FinnProfiles invests EUR 1.3 million in its silicone profile production in Ii

FinnProfiles invests EUR 1.3 million in its silicone profile production in Ii
 | 20.11.2020

We have embarked on a new decade with million class investments to ensure that ever-increasing requirements are met in terms of both product features and environmental impact.

We are investing in the development of the production processes at the Ii plant with a substantial equipment investment, the most significant part of which consists of a silicone profile line utilizing completely new extrusion technology.

– The investments will enable the production of even more diverse sealing profiles with exceptionally precise dimensional tolerances. In addition, the environmental impact of our production will decrease significantly due to the reduction of raw material loss, says Jukka Mäki-Lahna, CEO of FinnProfiles.

The new equipment is scheduled to be ready for production in spring 2021.

Over the past five years, FinnProfiles has invested more than EUR 3.5 million in developing the operations of its production units. The investments are part of Energiatekno development project supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

FinnProfiles is a Finnish sealing manufacturer with production plants in Sastamala and Ii. Our company specializes in the design and manufacture of individual profile and flat sealing solutions from high-quality rubber, silicone and TPE materials.

We have been supplying sealing solutions to demanding industries such as construction, marine, rail and pharmaceuticals since 1989.